(This article was published first at Kingdom Resources Magazine, 2010)
“I have two faces I put on every day. One is my Chinese face when I’m at home—the other, my American face when I go to school. Sometimes I don’t even know who I really am.”
“I love art and received a full scholarship to attend the art school of my dreams. But my parents had different plans. They said the holy trinity of careers is: doctor, lawyer or engineer. Those were my choices and I had to obey.”
“My parents are typical, hypocritical Chinese Christians. They say one thing and do another. Their worship services bore my head off. I wonder if God falls asleep in church, too.”
These are the pained and confused voices of American Born Chinese (ABC)… ABC children have grown up in two distinctly different cultures. These two cultures pull at them constantly and at every corner. OBC parents, however, have been dreadfully ignorant about the struggles of their children. In fact, I believe that OBC parents and churches have generally denied the cultural part of our human make-up. Yes, many Chinese Christians like to think of themselves as “color/culture-blind” since they’ve acquired the Christian world view. But they are blind to their cultural prejudices and how the pains and struggles of ABC’s versus OBC’s have torn many families and churches apart.