October is the Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I avoided the topic for 15 days. I knew that talking about it would stir up too many emotions inside. But tonight, after watching John Piper's YouTube video, I can no longer stay silent.
“If the numbers we see in domestic violence were applied to terrorism or gang violence, the entire country would be up inarms, and it would be the lead story on the news every night.” --- Rep. Mark Green
Now do see the number here: Domestic Violence Resource Center
or a simple fact sheet here: National Coaliltion Against Domestic Violence
Then watch this video from John Piper:
John Piper: Does A Woman Submit to Abuse?
Is this how a Christian ought to respond to an extremely painful question? A situation that has been tearing apart our families? That has destroyed countless women and children? That God deeply despises?
In fact, my conclusion is that John Piper did not answer the question at all. Using a classic way to avoid answering a direct and pointed question, he directed attention to other things (such as "group sex"). He also reduced a behavior that ripps apart a person's soul to "a season" and "smack you around one night".
Normal men do not get up one morning or come home one night and start smacking their wives around. The issues go a lot deeper than the surface behaviors. Abuse doesn't stop at smacking someone around one night either, it usually escalates if not stopped. This past Wednesday (10/12), a man shot 8 people and critically injured 9 others at a Seal Beach salon. He killed his ex-wife.
A man who responded to John Piper's advice for abused woman to go to church for help was: "I am going to a church and the pastor of the church beats his wife, I don't know if he hits his children, too...." John Piper obviously was ignorant to all the facts about violence against women within the church, in the name of God and under the umbrella of "submission". When a man has absolute authority over another human being (man or woman alike), it simply breeds abuse.
Allow me to share with you just two of the (too) many true stories that I have witnessed first hand.
She was a pilot, single, successful and a devoted Christian (she was from a famous megachurch. If I shared the name with you, you all would know the church). She met this wonderful Christian man and got married. Not long after the wedding, he started smacking her around. Then it gradually became an everyday event. One night she left the porch light on for him since he was coming home late. He beat her because she was wasting money. The next day, she kept the porch light off as he instructed. He came home and beat her because the porch light was not on and he could not see his key.
She went to her church for help (as John Piper suggested) and the church leaders consulted her to be patient, to be more respectful of her husband, to be even more submissive. So she did. The husband cried and repented in front of the leaders of the church (most abuser are also master manipulators).....and the abuse went on. Due to the abuse, she could no longer work as a pilot since her husband once punched her face so hard, she lost her sight in one of her eyes. But as a submissive Christian wife, she hung on.
They had a child, a beautiful daughter. One day in his rage (for the child was crying as most infant would do), he threw the baby over the crib. The baby is now deaf in one ear. This woman finally woke up, filed a police report and a restraining order. The police took him out of the house and she filed for divorce. Because she filed for divorce, the church no longer accepted her. Then the former husband came back to the house on and off, broke in and terrorized her . When I met her, she had security cameras on all sides of her house....and she lived in fear and the betrayal not just from her husband, but also from her church.
Another true story: I was having dinner with her and her husband...and something went wrong. She did not take the seeds out of the cucumber she made and he did not like his cucumber with seeds. It was really my fault, I suggested that seeds are good for the digestive system. He stormed out of the apartment. Later he started throwing stuff at the windows from outside, yelling and cursing at us. I was terrified. But my heart broke into pieces when I turned around and saw my friend (who is an intelligent woman, with a Master degree, extremely gifted and valued at her work........a young Christian I led to Christ) lying on the ground behind the sofa, curled into a fetal position, sobbing and shaking like a leaf in the winter wind. It dawned on me that this was not the first time. I crawled on the ground (to avoid being hit by the debris from the windows) to the phone and called for help.
She was the first woman that I helped escaping from an abusive man. Unfortunately, she was not the last.
I wonder how John Piper would feel if he was smacked around for no reason at all?....for just one night? For several weeks? Several months? How about for a season, however long that is? I wonder how would he feel?
John Piper is certainly a great apologist and writer, but he is woefully ignorant about an issue that has plagued the society and our churches for centuries.
John Piper is also a man of great influence.............for good or for bad.
May the Lord have mercy on us all!
Because of John Piper's attitude toward women, I cannot bring myself to read anything else he writes. A friend of mine told me he has been helped by John Piper's writings. Maybe. But would a black man read a book written by a white supremacist even when the topic is not on race? That's the way I feel toward John Piper. I found his position that a woman is not to deal with an abusive husband very demeaning. Piper said an abused wife should not or cannot deal with her husband. He is rendering all women into helpless creatures, always having to go to church to seek help from these men who believe in male entitlement. How disgusting.
ReplyDeleteHi Esther, I saw you on Shirley's blog. I left a comment there but it didn't go through so I thought I'd leave it for you.
ReplyDeleteDesiring God once proudly displayed the video you linked until the outcry became too great. Then they took it down. They didn't apologize or correct the bad advice. It just disappeared. Fortunately my friend Hannad and Emotional Abuse and Your faith had put it up. That is probably where you saw it.
If you want to get real angry, read what some idiot men said on her blog to try to set her straight and convince us that Piper's advice was right and godly.
Mara Reid
Dear Mabel: Thank you for pointing out the underlying assumption, attitude and the implication of John Piper's statement. I was bothered by it, but could not quite articulate my feelings. I think that you nailed it.
ReplyDeleteI am, however, still chewing on your comment about "would a black man read a book written by a white supremacist even when the topic is not on race?". A lot of good books, commentaries, and early church fathers' writings (which helped and equipped the saints for centuries) would have to be thrown out of the windows if your sentiment holds true.
Chin-Lee (my husband) once said (after I complained to him about someone's book): when you eat fish, pick out the meat and ignore the bones. You can learn something from everyone, even your enemy or people you totally disagreed with..........:):)!
Dear Mara: I did check out the link that you provided. The comments from Nick did ruin my appetite for lunch for a while. But then I realize that nothing he said is new.....sadly.
Now I am just saddened that Nick wrote and communicate in such a way as if Jesus Christ had never come. His incarnational life and ministry changed nothing. His teaching, life and ministry recorded in the 4 Gospel was for null.
I wrote an article titled "Could Christ has been born a woman?" and posted on my blog that deal with biblical view (Jesus' view) about power and authority. How I wish that Nick spend sometimes to read and study those scriptures listed. Maybe his eyes will be opened.
Dear sisters: Let's be gracious to our brother John Piper. If he is indeed a man seeking God's own heart (and I would like to believe that he is), we would have to trust that God will deal with him in God's timing. After all, we are all travelers on this journey set out by God. None of us has arrived yet.
Love and blessings to you!
Esther, I know exactly what you are saying about learning from people who disagree with you. You are quite right about that. Famous church leaders said some extremely nasty things about women. People did learn from them. What is different in this day and age is the explosion of information. No-one has time to read everything, i.e. there is an over supply of fish, some with less bones than others. Also, I put my money where my mouth is. I buy books from people who love women and seek to empower them. I am sitting on hundred's of $$$'s of books that I have bought and have not read. It is OK. I don't have time nor energy to seek out books written by people who feed into the prevalent sexism in the church. If someone else wants to, it's OK with me. I just don't want to.
ReplyDeleteEsther and dear sisters in Christ:
ReplyDeleteWe are so sorry that many of us men have been unloving in hurting women physically, verbally, and emotionally in many different degrees. The believes, thoughts and attitudes behind these abusive behaviors are wrong, sinful, and like those of Satan instead of Christ. We have deeply hurt you all. We have destroyed you sense of peace and security. We have caste a shadow in your mind about God, His love, and His ability to protect you. We are creating a hell on Earth. We have definitely sinned against you and victimized you.
When we abuse others, we have damaged ourselves first before we hurt others and grieve the Holy Spirit. We hurt women and we hurt ourselves. We grieve God, the Spirit of God, and the Image of God.
We need God's forgiveness. We need you women's forgiveness. We need to forgive ourselves. Please accept the crucified Jesus as our payment.
You do not need to reconcile with any of us unless any of us really have changed by the Holy Spirit.
Fellow men, our hope is on God who has raised Jesus Christ from the dead. God created Adam and Eve from dust and a rib. He can create us anew. God have mercy on us all!
Dear Anonymous, I think many men believe in the hierarchical comp teachings do so because they have never been taught anything else. The egalitarian concept has never found its way into most churches. These men are actually very loving, very kind, and very good to the women in their lives. They would never think of hurting anyone. But, if you live near a garbage dump, you don't even smell anything after awhile. They subscribe to sexism (men and women are equal but different in gifting) and don't realize it is sexism. They will be the last one to realize the theory they have been taught is hurting women. I reserve my biggest frustration toward the teachers, the leaders, and the top power brokers in the major denominations, seminaries, and christian organizations or movements. Wayne Grudem's CBMW, Paige Patterson/Bruce Ware, etc. of SBC & its seminaries, the Promise Keepers movement ( lies are packaged with a lot of truths), the Vision Forum, the Gospel Coalition, and a lot more I am not even aware of. When my son-in-law told me that Paige Patterson has a heart for mission, my reaction is: then why did he advocate to have missionaries fired for not signing a letter that says no women can be allowed to preach? 77 missionaries were fired, had their support yanked from underneath them there and then, etc etc. Most of his followers are not guilty of this per se, but the leaders are guilty. Leaders occupy a special position. They have to answer to God differently. No-one can change them except the Holy Spirit. We need to pray for them to see God's heart.
ReplyDeleteI read these comments today @ Shirley's blog http://bwebaptistwomenforequality.wordpress.com/
from Michele: As so-called complementarianism dies out and we all are permitted to be more authentic, I’ll bet that women and men will be able to connect more as human beings and as image bearers than they can now, with all the work being put toward maintaining fences and walls of “complementarian” ideas of gender.
from Eric "some days I come this close to asserting that Complementarianism is not simply a different understanding of the Gospel but is in fact a different Gospel......
ReplyDeleteThank you very for your very enlightening response.
I especially appreciate the way you put it:
They subscribe to sexism (men and women are equal but different in gifting) and don't realize it is sexism.
It is so subtle :(
Do you know any good book showing from the Bible that both men and women are the same in gifting? May the Holy Spirit make it clear in my heart in understanding the Bible so that I can show others from the Bible.
Thank you again for your ministry to me.