Community Garden

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011


 A friend sent this short film to me last week. It is a bit "cheesy", but still inspiring. I like how it plays on the word "Change?"

Watch it and judge it yourself.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Congruency by Jessica Chan (1.26.1992)

 blood must be pumped through the heart to keep a person alive

being alive is not the same as living
average size of a human heart: about the size of a fist

congruency: equal in size and shape//actions align with emotions

a square can be a rectangle, but a rectangle can never be a square

incongruency: outward actions differ from internal emotions
having to hold back creates a façade

it is not impossible to feel alone in a crowd

 A square among many rectangles