Community Garden

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Power of 50+

According to United Nation Population Division; US Census; National Geographic, Jan., 2011, World Bank Alzheimer's Disease International:

1. Earth is now home to some 7 billion people. By 2050, 60+ population will rise from close to 11%  to 22% of people on the planet....which translates to about 2 billion people.  Welcome to the PARTIES!

2. Average life expectancy for a human being born today is 67.5 years old.  In 2050, it will be 75.5 I'm probably not going to be around to see this......:):)!

3. Gender Gaps: The ratio of women to men age 60+ is 100 to 83.  80% of men age 60+ are married, but only 48% of older women are.  Sisterhood is forever!

4. The number of people 100+ will increase 900% between now and 2050. Women make up 81% of the world's centenarians. Ps. 90 comes to mind: Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. The only thing worst than a fool is an old fool!

5. The number of wireless devices in the United States has surpassed the country’s total population, according to a CTIA survey, meaning there’s more than one wireless device per person. This has nothing to do with aging, but I decided to put it in for good measure and fun.

Everyone (young, old, men, women) Jesus healed or resurrected (!) in his day are all dead now (well, has been dead for a while, too). So to be healed (or even being resurrected by the power of God ) and live "happily ever after" in this world was not the purpose why Jesus brought healing and restoring life during his earthly ministry.  What do you think the purpose was?

Sickness and death are part of life in this sinful and fallen world. The physical body is the part of who we are that deteriorates, ages, gets wrinkled, hurts, and generally going downhill after what? 25 years of age....:):)! It is also the part of who we are that will be replaced by a glorified, spiritual and immortal body!

How does this fact inform, change, challenge our spiritual journey on this earth?

Paul said in 2 Cor. chapter 4 that "though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." The first part (wasting away) comes automatically, you like it or not.  But how about the second part? What was Paul talking about? Are you inwardly being renewed day by day?

Paul continued to write about the yearning for an "eternal house", a building from God, and to be "at home with God", not this temporary "earthly tent"...."so we make it our goal to please God.  For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one day may receive what is due him/her for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

Ever since I turned 50 years old and after Bobby Clinton reminded me (quite bluntly, but correctly) that what is in front of me is now shorter than what was behind me, I have been thinking what does wholistic spiritual formation look like for people over 50? Our physical body is part of who we are and has greatly affected us as we journey through life. How can physical aging be an instrument and a tool for God to grow and to transform us into Christ-likeness?

Who would I be the day I stand before the judgement seat of Christ?

"Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things.  I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your Master's happiness."

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